Thursday, November 12, 2015


This is not a counter thread to what has been said about the Android but a fact from technically sound Minds and an open source activist. Without further ado, here are 10 good reasons why Androids are the best phones out in any market today!
1. Android is Open Source
Open Source is not just a phrase for free software but a movement and culture for rapidly developing innovations in the IT industry without borders, race or limits. Imagine the potentials that lies in a stack of software or an application that is constantly under development by thousands of developers and programmers everyday and then refined into the enterprise market for use by the public. Two good heads are better than one and of cos we’re talking about core software developers globally. Apple nor Windows enjoy this culture and we’ve seen final releases of software that was a mess (Windows Vista, XP, Quicktime, Apple Server OS etc). On the other hand products like Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ubuntu, Mozilla firefox, Google Chrome, Whatsapp, VLC Media Player, Androids etc have enjoyed steady growth and fame thanks to open source.
2. Steady Updates & Support
Just like we mentioned earlier, updates like that of any proprietary OS is under constant development but unlike other brands, patches, updates and new releases are focused on user expectations and experience because the users are actively involved in the development process. Nobody knows for sure what Apple is thinking for its new releases; same with Microsoft. As a Linux or open source developer, all you need do is join a forum or community and you will be well informed as to where a product is headed. Development from upstream projects are integrated into Enterprise versions or releases.
3. Longevity
We saw what happened to Symbian, Meego and Windows Mobile not too long ago. A proprietary software is subject to the wishes of its parent company. If sales drop or such a company wishes to discontinue development of such a product, the end users are left AWOL and CANNOT do anything about it. Would you want to fall into such category? Google may have been the front runner for Android development but other Brands have since emerged. Samsung, LG, HTC, Motorola and Techno are notable hardware manufacturers in Nigeria and also posses a team of developers each that taps in from upstream Android development on daily basis. From this logic, Androids will be around for quite some time if not a very long time.
4. Functionality & Performance
Android by far out-classes its competitors in functionality and performance. Lets not forget, Androids were designed from Linux codes or to perform like Linux but on top of Java. Linux is today’s best operating system for a lot of reasons though a lot of development is still on going which makes it even more interesting. Its free, offers free software on it, less expensive and very direct. Androids can do anything your iPhone will do plus much more. It rarely freezes and is easy to reboot, fix, share files/data, easy to port application, recover data or change hardware. It performs like a PC in so many instances and lets not forget, still under constant development.
5. Affordable for all.
Now, for those people who love to show class and have everything customized or suit their needs; Androids has got something for you. For others who just need a good phone with modern day demands and easy internet access – you are not left out. Be it cheap Android phones or expensive metal Androids, a quality phone awaits you in price and functionality. Techno is a great phone manufacturer that falls into this category.
6. Good experience.
Androids offer really good experience as the OS evolves everyday but more importantly, there is no dull moment to it. No other mobile OS enjoys the vast amount of software stack available and gamers will definitely love owning an Android phone for this reason. Picture quality is high, Video Quality, Sound and lets not forget, its bound to get even better.
7. Largest Stack of Free Software.
Now compare and Android Plan to that of an iPhone. Androids are cheaper but besides that, Androids possess the largest pool of applications compared to other OS combined. Most of these applications are free as well and can be installed easily from Google Play or third party repositories. Unlike Windows Mobile, BlackBerry and iPhones where you will be mandated to make certain amount of payment just for installing applications you may end up not using nor appreciating.
8. Internet Bundle Plans.
Yes, Android Bundle plans are somewhat higher than that of a BlackBerry but cheaper than an iPhone for most service providers and hey! Look on the bright side, you can slot your Android Bundles directly to you modem and surf on or with your PC. All Android Bundles i know can be used on your computer too but this is not the case for iPhones or BlackBerry phones.
9. Stability.
Coming from a Unix/Linux background, Android Phones are usually very stable when using. Remember the days of core Symbian and Java Phones where you constantly have to flash, reset or reload your phones? Virus or Trojan issues etc. The security of and Android phone can be optimized to a great extent.
10. Easy to use.
It is rare to see users complaining about hot techy or complicated it is using an Android phone. Icons are easy to locate, programs can be easily restarted, navigation is simple, software installation and removal a piece of cake, updates seamless, files transfer is smooth, application sharing is even better, security is high or can be optimized, pairing devices is nothing to worry about, the list goes on and on. Compare this to an iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and see for yourself.

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